Friday, July 23, 2010

Family Camp Day 3

So far today has been incredible! The 23 year old guy that's in a wheel chair went swimming today for the first time. He got to hold his little girl in the water and he swam around for the first time in years. It was such a miracle! I also had another prayer come true because today I went with the 16 year old to the youth and he had a pretty good time. He stayed through the whole thing and I think he learned a little something. It was better because I was there I think and he had someone to talk to. I've been very blessed today. I watched the little one while everyone swam, so it was really nice to give the 17 year old girl a break because she really needed it. The poor thing has raised her niece and she always gets stuck with her and it's not easy. Please keep my family in your prayers. They all need lots of prayer and I just hope the Lord continues to work in their hearts this week and they can take something new home with them :)
Love & miss you all!

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