It's the last full day of camp. I don't know where the time went. I'm feeling pretty sad about having to leave my family tomorrow. But I do have to say that today was by far the best day and we had so much fun!
After breakfast it was program time and all the other days the kids didn't want to go. But today was water day for the little kids so I told the 16 year old he could come help out if he wanted to and he said he'd much rather come help with the kids. Well this whole time he had never went swimming or anything but today he got right into the water slide and helping all the kids down and it was amazing to see him interact with everyone finally! He finally kind of opened up and had a really good time! I was so happy and he's such a cool guy, I knew he'd fit right in and kids LOVE him! So we spent a good part of the morning going down water slides, what a blast!
Billy is also doing a great job connecting with the 23 year old son. I know God is using him to work in his life in so many ways. I'm so glad that they can talk through things. Also, today the camp director, Delinda had the 23 year old come up and talk to the group at lunch about how he went swimming yesterday and how great it was to swim with his little girl. It ended up being a pretty touching story. It turns out that their family has been coming to this camp since he was 7! that's along time! They really are vetrans, everyone knows them, it's really cool to see what God has done in their lives over the years and how many people remember them and keep in touch with them. Now, I can be one of those people and next year I can hang out with them again :)
Well, we're having a talent show in a bit and I'm excited to see what some of the acts are! Troy - this show has Caleb written all over it! ;)I hope everyone back home is doing good! I miss you sooo much, I wish you could have all been here with me. It's been an amazing experience serving others. I can't wait to come next year.
Awesome stuff Kara :) Who knows, maybe next year our family will go and Caleb will indeed be in the talent show!