Friday, July 26, 2013

Day 1 Bison Ranch

Goodness! I don't even know where to start. Today was such a wonderful blessing. I had the best time with all of the other STM's this morning and when the families arrived everything just kept getting better and better. I know God is going to stretch me and pull me out of my comfort zone a few ways this week but that's okay and I just have to keep remembering to trust Him with it. I am so excited about my family. They are great. I'm not sure if I mentioned it but they are best friends with the family I had last year and we'll be doing a lot together. Daniel and Haley are the STM's for the family I had last year. I'm really glad we'll all be spending so much time together. I think I already explained that my family consists of a dad, mom, and four kids. The parents are so sweet and I'm really not having a hard time signing with them. I've communicated pretty well with them without any of the interpreters help. So far my prayers have been answered there! The kids are great too! It's three boys and the youngest is a six year old girl. You can tell she's the baby of the family and that she has a hard time growing up with three older brothers. I can already tell I'll be spending a lot of time with her this week. The boys from both families hang out all the time and are constantly playing basketball and doing all sorts of games and sports with Daniel. So perfect for him! Haley's been getting involved in the basketball too and hanging out with the older girl in her family. It's really cool to see my family from last year again. It's like we just picked up right where we left off and nothing has changed. I really love them all. And I need to really make it a priority to visit them and their church because they barley live 45 minutes away from me. I am so tired but so excited for the week ahead! :) I've posted a few pictures to facebook from earlier today with the other STM's so if you can, take a look at those. No pictures of my family yet, but I'll try to get on that soon. The mom loves taking pictures just as much as me! Also, I finally got a name sign! I am thrilled :) For me that's one of the best moments when you're getting to know deaf individuals - when they give you a name sign. I don't know how else to sum up today other than what I told Morgan earlier. I was having a signing overload and I loved it! Yay! Thank you Jesus for today! :)

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