Sunday, July 28, 2013

Today is a gift from God...

What a long day! It's been such a fun and exciting week so far. With square dancing and carnivals, movies under the starts, and concerts and horseback riding; It has just been a blast. I can't believe tomorrow is our last full day. Today I was especially blessed in my program area. I was assigned to young adults this year and that's really different for me. The young adult is usually ages 18-25ish and that's my age group so at first I didn't think it was going to be that hard but there's only 3 people in there that fit into that age group and the rest are even older and they all have special needs. I've really never worked much with adults with special needs so this is where I knew God was going to stretch me. It has been a completely different experience because I'm usually in the children's program. Starting out yesterday I was really nervous and I was paired with this woman who's 34 and has autism. It was really hard at first because I didn't know her at all and I didn't know what to expect. But today went much better and I was able to manage the time with her really well. There's only two women in that program and the rest are all guys. The guys are so sweet and I've been really blessed to see them all get along and build relationships so well. Today we also played sand volleyball with them and it was a blast! They had such a great time and I've really been getting to know the woman I'm paired with in that program better. I'm so glad God turned my nerves and doubts around. :)

My family is having a really good time and today they gave Daniel and name sign and then decided to change mine. I like mine even better now. And of course Daniel was thrilled to get his. I've been having more and more conversations with the parents and it's been really cool communicating with them. Sometimes I just watch them sign to each other and try to take it all in. Good thing in signing eaves dropping isn't a big deal. I'm really enjoying all the time with the kids too! They're so great. Everyone's really getting into the signing too. People are really enjoying the interpreters and everyone keeps asking me to show them how to sign things. I've been teaching John Sahhar a ton of signs too. He's actually getting really good. I'm really happy that Haley has gotten to spend so much time learning signs and hanging out with the kids too.

I always feel like part of the family after only spending two days with them. That is what I love about this camp, the family atmosphere.

Well, it's late and I really need sleep. Keep praying for a great last 2 days and for God to keep using us all to make a difference in the lives of these families. The talent show is tomorrow and Tuesday we're having a church service! :)

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